
Me and My Journey

My Story

Hi, friends!


2023 – forward: Living in the Moment

Although life has been busy, I’ve been gradually updating my blog and social media with new inspiration and adventures. I’ve continued exploring beautiful spots around Maine and even ventured beyond the United States. Traveling and discovering new places has become a part of my routine, and I’m grateful to be able to share these experiences with others. As I explore more of the world, I’m continuously amazed by its beauty, and this journey has truly been incredible so far.

2022: Peaceofmind.y Was Created

After discovering ways to heal and create my own happiness, with the support of family and friends, I felt inspired to share my journey. I wanted to write about my adventures, showcase my photography, and open up about my personal experiences and emotions. That’s how Peaceofmind.y came to life — a space where I could share the things that helped me grow and find peace.

2019 – 2021: Finding Myself

After starting over, I knew I needed to find things that truly brought me happiness—things that would help me grow, learn, heal, and find peace within myself. I quickly discovered that spending time outdoors, whether by the ocean, on a nature walk, or hiking a mountain, made me feel free and like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. On the toughest days, a little adventure would clear my mind and help me regain perspective. That’s when I realized how healing nature could be for me. So, I made it a priority to explore as much as I could, embracing the calming power of the great outdoors.

2018: The Journey Began

I never imagined I’d be where I am today after facing so many challenges. When my life took a dramatic turn and I found myself on my own for the first time, I experienced a whirlwind of emotions. But above all, I felt lost. I didn’t know what to do or where to go, but I knew this was my chance for a fresh start. I had to make it count. If I was going to grow, I needed to understand what was holding me back. As Alexander Den Heijer wisely said, “When a flower doesn’t bloom, you fix the environment in which it grows, not the flower.” So that’s exactly what I did. I left behind the toxic environment that had been my home, set boundaries with unhealthy relationships, focused on my own healing, and embraced the opportunity to start over.

Follow my Instagram below for a visual diary as I search for a little peace in this world